Acoustical tweezers for contactless and selective manipulation of micro- and nanoscopic objects
This MicroElectroMechanical System (MEMS) allows the remote manipulation of particles, cells and droplets lying in a liquid sample with a high selectivity (one particle can be selected and moved in dependently of its neighbors).
This technology relies on the use of a specific kind of volume acoustic waves called swirling volume acoustic waves, which are synthesized few millimeters from piezoelectric material with Interdigitated transducers.
These waves once transmitted to a liquid sample create a localized acoustical trap.
- 3D Trapping and manipulation
- The manipulation is contactless and non-invasive and do not interfere with biological process thus limiting alteration of the particle,cell,…
- The MEMS is highly compact and can be easily integrated in existing systems(microscope, lens, labonachip)
- The system can manipulate particles ranging from 1 mm to 100 nanometers
- The device production is simple, cheap and compatible with current equipments.
- No pre-marking is required for the manipulation
- the MEMS is printed on a transparent material, enabling simultaneous manipulation and visualization.
- The trapping process is compatible with a large range of materials including glass and PMMA(e.gPetridishesormicrochannels…)